“People say that the soul, on hearing the song of creation, entered the body, but in reality the soul itself was the song. - Hafiz”
We Are Vibrational Beings
Quantum Physics states that nothing is solid, that everything is energy. The universe is in a constant state of vibration and so are we. Frequency and vibration create the structures of matter and life, sound and light. Positive emotions and being in a state of peace can create a powerful change of experience for the person emitting those emotions and for those around them. At our subatomic level, vibrational frequencies determine the manifestation of physical reality. Our physical reality isn't physical at all. Everything is energy and we are all connected.
It is universal to understand how a particular song or piece of music can be heard and change the day, or a particular sound from a past memory can transport one to another place and time… vividly.
I have thought about these things for years. I’ve thought about the point where science and spirituality meet. I have always been a seeker.. stumbling along but seeking.
These questions inspired me to try different practices and meditations in an effort to overcome patterns and habits and beliefs I had that were troublesome. I found that I could not change anything with my thinking alone, there had to be more. I needed power! I wanted to experiment with imbuing music with specific vibrations and intentions. Honestly, none of this is real at all without opening and connecting with that which was so much bigger than me. I am so small and so flawed, but I know, I have never been alone.
Wave Music Project began as a bit of a lark. It was an experiment to write a piece of music that could be used for meditation. Through a series of synchronistic interactions, I decided to give it a try one Saturday morning. Something amazing happened. The music came very quickly. Through the disengagement of my mind and engagement of my heart I became quiet and listened. In the weeks that I wrote I noticed that I was feeling differently. I was feeling better. My experience and perception was changing.
The purpose of Wave Music Project is to continue to explore the resonate power of the heart and sound a to create music for healing and meditation and most of all, to give thanks to the Power that inspires it all.
Perhaps the music found here might inspire and assist along the way....